Thursday, July 19, 2012

Summer Motocross Training Dates

July 21st Arncott Moto Parc 10am - 3pm Starts Braking in turns ruts and flat turns starts throttle high speed turns riding ruts

July 24th Bancyfelin 6pm – 8pm Race conditioning, reading the track ahead, lines

August 4th Arncott Moto Parc 11am - 3pm Flat corners and high speed turns starts braking

July 31st Bancyfelin 6pm - 8pm High speed Corners and starts ruts

August 7th 8th 9th Arncott Moto Parc 10am - 3pm Day 1 Bike Set up ,Starts , Braking , Flat corners, Braking in turns,throttle control and body positioning Basic Jump Techniques and High Speed turns and ruts

Day 2 Line Choices , Race conditioning, High Speed turns and ruts Techniques

Day 3 Jumps basics, over taking braking table tops whoops and rhytym sections and evaluation

August 14th Carmarthen Bancyfelin 10am – 3 pm Flat corners and high speed turns Standing

August 21st 22nd 23rd Carmarthen Bancyfelin 10am – 3 pm

Day 1 Bike Set up ,Starts , Braking , Flat corners, Braking in turns,throttle control and body positioning Basic Jump Techniques and High Speed turns and ruts

Day 2 Line Choices , Race conditioning, High Speed turns and ruts Techniques

Day 3 Jumps basics, over taking braking jumps and evaluation

August 18th Arncott Moto Parc 10am - 3pm Starts and braking jump basics over taking

August 28th Arncott Moto Parc Starts Braking jumping techniques race conditioning

September 1st Arncott Moto Parc 10am - 3pm Jumps table tops whoops starts and braking

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